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建筑素描效果一键生成PS动作 Architecture Sketch and Blueprint Photoshop Action


该动作还创建了10个颜色预置,单击即可应用。动作效果最好的图像大小约1500px – 4000px高/宽和72/300 dpi分辨率。它超级容易使用,节省了您的工作时间。

建筑素描效果一键生成PS动作 Architecture Sketch and Blueprint Photoshop Action插图建筑素描效果一键生成PS动作 Architecture Sketch and Blueprint Photoshop Action插图(1)建筑素描效果一键生成PS动作 Architecture Sketch and Blueprint Photoshop Action插图(2)建筑素描效果一键生成PS动作 Architecture Sketch and Blueprint Photoshop Action插图(3)建筑素描效果一键生成PS动作 Architecture Sketch and Blueprint Photoshop Action插图(4)建筑素描效果一键生成PS动作 Architecture Sketch and Blueprint Photoshop Action插图(5)建筑素描效果一键生成PS动作 Architecture Sketch and Blueprint Photoshop Action插图(6)建筑素描效果一键生成PS动作 Architecture Sketch and Blueprint Photoshop Action插图(7)建筑素描效果一键生成PS动作 Architecture Sketch and Blueprint Photoshop Action插图(8)建筑素描效果一键生成PS动作 Architecture Sketch and Blueprint Photoshop Action插图(9)建筑素描效果一键生成PS动作 Architecture Sketch and Blueprint Photoshop Action插图(10)建筑素描效果一键生成PS动作 Architecture Sketch and Blueprint Photoshop Action插图(11)建筑素描效果一键生成PS动作 Architecture Sketch and Blueprint Photoshop Action插图(12)建筑素描效果一键生成PS动作 Architecture Sketch and Blueprint Photoshop Action插图(13)建筑素描效果一键生成PS动作 Architecture Sketch and Blueprint Photoshop Action插图(14)建筑素描效果一键生成PS动作 Architecture Sketch and Blueprint Photoshop Action插图(15)

关键词: 建筑 素描 组件


  • 素材分类:
  • 文件大小:
    16 MB
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